How long can I keep my container?
Containers are due back 3 days after check-out, but we recommend returning them as soon as you're done so they can get sanitized and recirculated in the ReusePass ecosystem! If you forget to return a container by the due date, we'll send you a late text reminding you to return the container ASAP to avoid a failed container rental. Once a container is marked as late, you'll have 48 hours to return it before the rental window closes. Don't worry – the ReusePass app makes it easy to see container statuses and due dates!

Why is there a 3-day return window?
The 3-day window exists to encourage participants to return their containers in a timely fashion, so they can get washed and reused. This means we can serve the same number of students with fewer containers. This ensures the efficiency and workflow of the Reuse program, helping to create a healthier and happier planet.

What happens once I’ve checked out my first container?
Once you check out your first container, you’ll receive an SMS from ReusePass with details on how the program works and a link for how to access your ReusePass account. You can reference your ReusePass account to see a full record of all the containers you’ve checked out, when they are due back, and if you’ve missed any due dates.

What happens if I don’t return the container on time?
Containers are due back to La Posada 3 days after checkout. If you fail to return within that 3-day window, the container will be marked as “Late”. Once a container is marked as “Late”, you have 48 hours to return the container, or your dining account will be charged $7.00, and you can view this by logging into your ReusePass account and mobile app.

It may take up to 4 weeks for a late charge to be posted on your dining account after the status transitions to “Charge submitted.”

For questions about charges, please contact

Why is there a late fee at all?
The fee exists to encourage users to return their containers in a timely fashion, so they can get washed and reused. This fee will cover the cost of the container and any administrative fees, and the remaining funds will go into a sustainability account for future sustainability projects.

On my ReusePass account, what’s the difference between due soon and late?
Containers that are shown under the “Due soon” section of your ReusePass account are containers you have recently checked out that are still within the 3-day checkout window.

If you fail to return a container within the 3-day window, the status will transition from “Due soon” to “Late.” Once a container is marked as “Late”, you have 48 hours to return it, or your account will be charged a $7.00 fee.

Can I still return my container after it’s been marked as “unreturned”?
Yes! Even if you haven’t returned your container within the checkout or late period, we still want your container back so it can go back into the reuse ecosystem.

Does my container need to be empty and washed before I drop it in the return box?
We ask that you empty the container of any food scraps, but it doesn’t need to be washed!

It’s important to return broken containers on time so we can give you credit for reusing them! The UNM Food dining team will use the QR code on the container to mark it as broken so they can understand the lifespan - and environmental impact - of each container!

Are containers microwave safe?
The Topanga reusable containers used in UNM’s ReusePass program are microwavable.

For any additional FAQs, visit ReusePass FAQs or contact our customer support team if you have questions or need help with your ReusePass:
Text: +1-818-423-5142